XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal (not strong with ajax)

newSpringer picture newSpringer · Aug 28, 2012 · Viewed 19.1k times · Source

I know this question has been asked many times and from what i have researched on this error it appears that it happens because cross domain ajax is only allowed for JSONP, not XML. But i am having trouble finding where this call is being made so I can't exactly find where the problem is. Everything is working fine until I added the following code

@EventListener(targets="licensingStatus", events="onchange")
public void onLicenseStatusChange(IRequestCycle cycle){

This is the component that the above code is updating

<div jwcid="licenceAuthRequiredDiv@Any">
      <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:company.licensingStatus == @com.fexco.wuams.valueobject.LicensingStatus@Pass && inApprovalMode()" renderTag="literal:false">
            <input jwcid="licensingApprovalDateRequired@DatePicker" disabled="ognl:disabled || isLicensingApprovalDateDisabled()"
            value="ognl:company.licensingApprovalDate" displayName="message:company.licensingApprovalDate" validators="validators:maxDateToday,required" />
     <span jwcid="@Else" renderTag="literal:false">
            <input jwcid="licensingApprovalDate@DatePicker" disabled="ognl:disabled || isLicensingApprovalDateDisabled()"
            value="ognl:company.licensingApprovalDate" displayName="message:company.licensingApprovalDate" validators="validators:maxDateToday" />

Using Firebug, when this is hit and moves through and a POST and GET requests are made and I get the following on the POST: 302 Moved Temporarily and the GET request just hangs with the following: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal:{a752d6c1-8e61-4faf-9084-97124f7b3596} Line Number 1, Column 1:

I know it is not much to work with so if ye need anymore information just ask, but can anyone shine some light on this for me?


Devanshu Bhimwal picture Devanshu Bhimwal · Nov 19, 2013

firefox complain when the content-type being returned is XML, but the contents are empty.