how to use spring security for user role management?

zlas picture zlas · Aug 21, 2012 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I need to design a user role management module for online examine tool application, There are several users in the system (Admin, Moderator, Contributor, Examiner). These users have different privileges for the system. I need to use the Spring framework and spring security for the user access system. How do I use the spring security for this module. Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial and your ideas allways welcome.


Less picture Less · Aug 21, 2012

Based on your description, I think that you might be looking at a custom implementation of UserDetailsService.
It's worth checking out Stephan Gerth's ZK sample project, that integrates Spring, Hibernate, customized Spring security, ZK Ajax, etc. Here you have the announcement post, that has links to source and documentation. I suggest reading the chapter 13.2. Spring-Security (and related), that should help you navigate the source code.