i'm trying to establish a Connection to my Apex-Webservice but it fails everytime. My Webserce is quite Simple:
global class AtlassianService
webService static String hello(String Name)
return 'Hello '+Name+' ! :D';
To generate the Client i just the way, which is described here:
java –classpath pathToJAR/wsc-22.jar com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc pathToWsdl/WsdlFilename pathToOutputJar/OutputJarFilename
Accessing the Webservice:
SoapConnection soap = Connector.newConnection("[email protected]", "XXXX");
System.out.println(soap.hello("WORLD")); // Invalid Session ( => SessionID is null)
If I use the PartnerConnection to get a valid SessionID everything works fine:
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
new PartnerConnection(config);
SoapConnection soap = Connector.newConnection(null, null);
Anybody has an idea why the first example fails?
Greetings Sebastian
I assume that happens because your AtlassianService wsdl, doesn't include the login method to authenticate in Salesforce, and then proxy classes generated by WSC cannot have the code to actually perform a login.
I was trying to do something very similar to your question (but with the Enterprise API). The solution I found was:
Like this:
import com.sforce.soap.MyWebservice.SoapConnection;
import com.sforce.soap.MyWebservice.Connector;
import com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException;
import com.sforce.ws.ConnectorConfig;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.*;
public class CallWS {
static final String USERNAME = "username";
static final String PASSWORD = "pass+securitytoken";
static SoapConnection MyWebserviceWSconnection;
static EnterpriseConnection enterpriseConnection;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
try {
//create a connection to Enterprise API -- authentication occurs
enterpriseConnection = com.sforce.soap.enterprise.Connector.newConnection(config);
// display some current settings
System.out.println("Auth EndPoint: "+config.getAuthEndpoint());
System.out.println("Service EndPoint: "+config.getServiceEndpoint());
System.out.println("Username: "+config.getUsername());
System.out.println("SessionId: "+config.getSessionId());
//create new connection to exportData webservice -- no authentication information is included
MyWebserviceWSconnection = Connector.newConnection("","");
//include session Id (obtained from enterprise api) in exportData webservice
String result = MyWebserviceWSconnection.receiveData("test");
System.out.println("Result: "+result);
} catch (ConnectionException e1) {