I need to connect to a remote database using Database link using JDBC commands. How can it be done?
If you already have the dblink setup, you can utilize it in your SQL (sent via jdbc) by addressing the required tables like such:
Using this query inside of your java would look something like this
public ResultSet execQuery() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
//Load the database driver
//Create connection to the database
Connection myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectURL,userName,userPwd);
//Create a statement link to the database for running queries
Statement myQuery = myConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
//Create a resultSet to hold the returned query information
ResultSet myQueryResults = myQuery.executeQuery("select * from SCHEMA.TABLE@DBLINK_NAME");
return myQueryResults;
*java & oracle assumed