Eclipse: "Update SVN cache" hangs and locks up

imnotfred picture imnotfred · Jun 18, 2012 · Viewed 59.6k times · Source

Every time I start eclipse, the program begins doing this "Update SVN cache" thing but it will sit at 0% forever. I cannot perform any operations (such as checking out my projects, building them, or even running them) until this operation is completed (which never happens). Also, whenever I try to type anything in the editor, the whole program freezes and I have to kill the process.

I have been searching google for the answer to this problem for days and have yet to come up with an answer. Has anyone else had a similar problem and found a solution?

I'd like to add that I've tried re installing eclipse, all its plugins, and the jdk from scratch. Nothing seems to be working.


Osify picture Osify · Feb 23, 2015

I faced the same issue and I tried to get out of this by disable most of performance setting for SVN in Eclipse:

  • Windows > Preferences > Team > SVN > Performance
  • Disable: Computing deep outgoing state, Cache, persistent SSH

SVN Performance Settings in Eclipse