Getting enum associated with int value

L-Samuels picture L-Samuels · Jun 15, 2012 · Viewed 95.2k times · Source

Previously, I had my LegNo enums defined simply as:


and by calling return LegNo.values()[i];, I was able to get the value associated with each enum.

But now I've decided I want the LegNo enum NO_LEG to be the int -1 instead of 0 so I decided to use a private constructor to initialise and set its int value

NO_LEG(-1), LEG_ONE(1), LEG_TWO(2);

private LegNo(final int leg) { legNo = leg; }

the only thing now is that because I'm doing it this way the values() method will not work for the NO_LEG enum. How do I get the enum associated with the int? Is there any efficient way of doing this other than using a case switch statement or an if-elseif-elseif

I can see a lot of SO questions to do with getting the int value from the enum, but I'm after the reverse.


adarshr picture adarshr · Jun 15, 2012

EDIT August 2018

Today I would implement this as follows

public enum LegNo {
    NO_LEG(-1), LEG_ONE(1), LEG_TWO(2);

    private final int value;

    LegNo(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static Optional<LegNo> valueOf(int value) {
            .filter(legNo -> legNo.value == value)

You'll have to maintain a mapping inside the enum.

public enum LegNo {
    NO_LEG(-1), LEG_ONE(1), LEG_TWO(2);

    private int legNo;

    private static Map<Integer, LegNo> map = new HashMap<Integer, LegNo>();

    static {
        for (LegNo legEnum : LegNo.values()) {
            map.put(legEnum.legNo, legEnum);

    private LegNo(final int leg) { legNo = leg; }

    public static LegNo valueOf(int legNo) {
        return map.get(legNo);

The static block will be invoked only once, so there is practically no performance issue here.

EDIT: Renamed the method to valueOf as it is more inline with other Java classes.