I have a Java application using the Substance LookAndFeel with Windows as the the target platform and I want to increase the DPI setting of my application without changing the system setting.
I want to do this because I don't want to force the user to restart Windows and because many Windows applications seem to have problems with very high DPI settings (> 120)
PS: I'm aware that the Substance LaF allows to scale the font size at runtime, but that way only the height of my controls are scaled, not the width. I want my GUI fully scaled as it would happen if I set the system's DPI setting.
Don't know if that is possible. The look&feel would have to support it, and as far as I know, the Windows Look&Feel does not. Here's a hack which you may consider: Iterate through all the fonts defined in your look&feel and redefine them to be slighly bigger. Here is a code snippet that does this:
for (Iterator i = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String key = (String) i.next();
if(key.endsWith(".font")) {
Font font = UIManager.getFont(key);
Font biggerFont = font.deriveFont(2.0f*font.getSize2D());
// change ui default to bigger font
I suppose you could take this one step further and redefine scale borders proportionally as well, but that gets very complicated very quickly