I'm using Spring to handle RMI calls to some remote server. It is straightforward to construct an application context and obtain the bean for remote invocations from within the client:
ApplicationContext context = new ApplicationContext("classpath:context.xml");
MyService myService = (MyService ) context.getBean( "myService " );
However I don't see a simple way to pass properties into the configuration. For example if I want to determine the host name for the remote server at runtime within the client.
I'd ideally have an entry in the Spring context like this:
<bean id="myService" class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="serviceUrl" value="rmi://${webServer.host}:80/MyService"/>
<property name="serviceInterface" value="com.foo.MyService"/>
and pass the properties to the context from the client as a parameter.
I can use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in the context to substitute for these properties, but as far as I can tell this only works for properties read from a file.
I have an implementation that addresses this (added as an answer) but I'm looking for a standard Spring implementation to avoid rolling my own. Is there another Spring configurer (or anything else) to help initialise the configuration or am I better off looking at java config to achieve this?
See http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?t=71815
package com.spring.ioc; public class TestClass { private String first; private String second; public String getFirst() { return first; } public void setFirst(String first) { this.first = first; } public String getSecond() { return second; } public void setSecond(String second) { this.second = second; } }
package com.spring; import java.util.Properties; import com.spring.ioc.TestClass; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer; public class SpringStart { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configurer = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("first.prop", "first value"); properties.setProperty("second.prop", "second value"); configurer.setProperties(properties); ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(); context.addBeanFactoryPostProcessor(configurer); context.setConfigLocation("spring-config.xml"); context.refresh(); TestClass testClass = (TestClass)context.getBean("testBean"); System.out.println(testClass.getFirst()); System.out.println(testClass.getSecond()); } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd"> <bean id="testBean" class="com.spring.ioc.TestClass"> <property name="first" value="${first.prop}"/> <property name="second" value="${second.prop}"/> </bean> </beans>
first value second value