How to use Android to receive on certain radio frequency

Mark Y. picture Mark Y. · May 23, 2012 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

Is it possible to write an Android Application to be used on an Android OS Mobile Phone that can RECEIVE (not worried about transmitting) on a frequency between 120-130 MHz range? I've seen an option with an Arduino Board, and also saw something about using the NDK. Would I have to be using a language like C for lower level hardware programming to integrate with the Java parts of the Android Mobile Application? I would prefer to just use the hardware on board with most Smart Phones, specifically a Motorola Droid Bionic.


Mark Y. picture Mark Y. · Nov 29, 2012

Thanks! I just finished digging more. The receiver on most phones, including the Droid 3 and Droid Bionic don't receive on a higher frequency than 108 MHz. I also ended up wiki-ing the software-defined radio deal. Very cool stuff that will hopefully end up coming to our mobile phone technology. I got an FM tuner at… . That's as good as you can get apparently :P (You CANNOT choose to recieve on a specific radio frequency on an android phone)