Turn Image into Text - Java

Confiqure picture Confiqure · May 2, 2012 · Viewed 59.4k times · Source

This is an interesting topic. Basically, I have an image that contains some text. How do I extract the text from the image?

I have already tried many things, but everything I do is very tedious and usually does not work. I am simply wondering if there is a fairly easy way to do this.

I have come upon this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javaocr/. I have tried this for hours, but I cannot get it to take an Image and turn it into a String of text from the image.

Thank you all in advance!


Josh Diehl picture Josh Diehl · May 2, 2012

You need to look into Java OCR implementations. Take a look at this question: Java OCR