JNLP should use a specific Java version but error results

alexvetter picture alexvetter · Apr 16, 2012 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

I'm facing a problem here. I want to use a special version to run our java webstart application but just for one jnlp. ("It was tested, ... blabla we can't use a new version... blabla" by random windbag)

So I tried to configure our JNLP like this:

    <j2se version="1.6.0_29" href="http://java.oracle.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>

When I start this jnlp now I get following Error even if the right Java is installed:

Error: The application has requested a version of the JRE (version 1.6.0_29) that currently is not locally installed. Java Web Start is unable to automatically download and install the requested version. This JRE must be installed manually.


In the JNLP File Syntax it's allowed to use a specific Java version like 1.6.0_29. I even tried it with 1.6.0_29-b11 - still the same error.

Exact product versions (implementation versions) may also be specified. by including the href attribute. For example, 1.3.1_07, 1.4.2, or 1.5.0-beta2 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. For example,

<j2se version="1.4.2" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>


<j2se version="1.4.2_04" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>


The given answer is not helping and not the right answer.


Sergei Vasalin picture Sergei Vasalin · Apr 20, 2012

This is quite common. Make sure that each client machine has enabled 1.6.0_29 for JNLP/Webstart.

Installing 1.6.0_29 is not necessarily enough to tell webstart that it's available. See this post for more information

Webstart settings