How to turn off DataNucleus Enhancer while working with Google App Engine

Shreeni picture Shreeni · Jun 19, 2009 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I am working in Eclipse on a Google AppEngine Java code. Every time I save a java file, the DataNucleus Enchancer starts off "Enhancement of Classes". Its quite irritating since it takes away focus when you are in full screen mode. Anybody knows how I can turn it off?

If I turn it off, will it affect my ability to deploy my application to App Engine from within Eclipse?


Kris Jenkins picture Kris Jenkins · Aug 2, 2009

You can restrict which classes DataNucleus watches for changes so that it only re-runs the enhancement when your model classes actually change.

Go to the Project's properties, and select Google->App Engine->Orm. There you can specify patterns for the files to watch.

For example, I put all my model beans in a model/ subdirectory, so a pattern of src/**/model works for me. There are also example patterns under the 'Add' dialogue.