How to draw a tree representing a graph of connected nodes?

Mohammad Olfatmiri picture Mohammad Olfatmiri · Apr 12, 2012 · Viewed 35.8k times · Source

I want to display a tree in a Java GUI, but I dont know how. The tree represents a graph of connected nodes, like this:


I should say that I have my own tree class:

public class BinaryTree  
private BinaryNode root;
public BinaryTree( )
    root = null;

public BinaryTree( Object rootItem )
    root = new BinaryNode( rootItem, null, null );

public BinaryTree( Object rootItem,BinaryNode a,BinaryNode b )
    root = new BinaryNode( rootItem, a, b );

public int leavesCount(){
    return BinaryNode.leavesCount(root);

public boolean equal(BinaryTree a,BinaryTree b){
    return BinaryNode.equal(a.root, b.root);


public void printPreOrder( )
    if( root != null )
        root.printPreOrder( );

public void printInOrder( )
    if( root != null )
       root.printInOrder( );

public void printPostOrder( )
    if( root != null )
       root.printPostOrder( );

public void makeEmpty( )
    root = null;

public boolean isEmpty( )
    return root == null;

public void merge( Object rootItem, BinaryTree t1, BinaryTree t2 ) throws MergeAbrot
    if( t1.root == t2.root && t1.root != null )
         throw new MergeAbrot("MergeAbrot");


     root=new BinaryNode( rootItem, t1.root, t2.root );

    if( this != t1 )
        t1.root = null;
    if( this != t2 )
       t2.root = null;

public int size( )
    return BinaryNode.size( root );

public int height( )
    return BinaryNode.height( root );


I only want to draw the tree. How should I do?


trashgod picture trashgod · Apr 12, 2012

You might consider any of these: