Adding a JNI library to the local Maven Repository

jbx picture jbx · Apr 9, 2012 · Viewed 18.9k times · Source

I wish to add a JNI library, including its shared object (.so) file to my project using Maven. Unfortunately it is not yet on a public repository so I guess I have to install it myself on my local repository to have it working.

How do I go about including the native part in Maven to be bundled in my project (and eventually exported with the copy-dependencies plugin). This is a standard J2SE app (not a web-app), with packaging .jar?

The library I am trying to add is junixsocket, just in case it helps to know. It has a .so (native library) component, and the Java .jar component.

I came across maven-nar-plugin which seems to target native builds, but seems to be more oriented towards building a JNI project from code, rather than bundling a 3rd party JNI library, and I can't get to piece the jigsaw puzzle together.

How do I go about:

  1. Installing these in my local repository, having the .jar depending on the .so library.
  2. Including the dependency (on the .jar and .so) in the POM file.



alexkasko picture alexkasko · Apr 10, 2012

My approach:

Put .so files to repository with platform specific classifier, like this: Add .so dependencies for all required platforms:


Use this maven assembly plugin config to put all native libs into lib/native directory of you dist:


Use this class to load libs on app startup (planning to change classifier naming to GNU triplets):

CtzJniUtils.loadJniLibsFromStandardPath(Launcher.class, "sqlite3")