Top "Java-7" questions

Java SE version 7 was released in 2011.

Binary Java 7 for Mac

Is there any binary release of Java 7 (using the Mac/BSD-port project) anywhere? Some blogs (e.g. Building Java 7 on …

java macos binary release java-7
Why collection literals?

From the various online articles on Java 7 I have come to know that Java 7 will be having collection literals1 like …

java collections java-7
JSR305 vs. JSR308 (Java Type Anotations) - Which is going to be the standard?

There seem to be two different JSRs for annotations. JSR-305: Annotations for Software Defect Detection (additional resource) JSR-308: Annotations on …

java java-7 jsr305
java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 73

i use jdk 1.7, jekins, maven, when i build the project,the unit test fails, the error is : java.lang.VerifyError: …

java maven java-7 verifyerror
Cobertura doesn't work with Java 7

I am using maven 3.0.4, JRE 1.7.0_09. When I use mvn clean install all my tests passes and everything looks good - …

java maven jenkins java-7 cobertura
Java WebStart launch fails when a JNLP is fixed to JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.7 is installed

At my company, we download and launch a JNLP application that is tied to a JRE 1.6.0_20. We use the system …

java java-7 jnlp java-web-start
Diamond shorthand syntax not working javac

When I compile this: LinkedBlockingDeque<Integer> q = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); in Eclipse Java EE Kepler version, everything …

java eclipse java-7 javac diamond-operator
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.util.ExpressionEvaluationUtils

I just upgraded a Spring MVC application, version 3.2 to a 4.0.2 and my view tags are not working anymore. The error: …

spring spring-mvc java-7 tiles-3
how can i fix the Java 7 Files.write error?

my code writes to a file, I am getting access denied error while writing to the file. Files.write(path, …

java file-io java-7 java.nio.file
Java 7: How to implement drag & drop in Java?

I am currently experimenting with drag&drop using Java 7 Update 21. My target operating systems are: Windows 7 Ubuntu 12.04 Mac OSX 10.6 / 10.8 …

java drag-and-drop drag java-7 thunderbird