Top "Java-5" questions

Java SE version 5 was released in September 2004 and is no longer supported by Sun as of November 2009.

Mockito isA(Class<T> clazz) How to resolve type safety?

in my test I have the following line: when(client.runTask(anyString(), anyString(), isA(Iterable.class)).thenReturn(...) isA(Iterable.class) …

java junit mockito java-5
Java policy settings not working for FilePermission

Our Java policy file used to just be: grant { permission; }; I am trying to make our application …

java java-5 javapolicy
IMAP access to mail office 365 with javamail

I'm trying to read the emails in a folder of an email account Office365 using JavaMail 1.4 api. My code is: …

java jakarta-mail office365 java-5
Will compiling for Java 1.5 on Java 1.7 still work?

I've recently moved to Java 7 in one of my projects. I claim that it can run on Java 1.5 simply because …

java java-7 java-5
Illegal access exception when trying to access attibrute from parent class by introspection

I am currently playing with introspection and annotations in Java 1.5. The have a parent abstract class AbstractClass. The inherited classes …

java introspection java-5
How do I add javax.annotation.Generated to Java SE 5?

I'm working on a project that has to run on Java SE 5 and Java SE 6. I recently started using a …

java java-5 jsr250
java.lang.InternalError: name is too long to represent

I get this error: java.lang.InternalError: name is too long to represent at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) …

java weblogic java-5
send a mail from java5 and java6

I know similar questions have been asked many times befor, but I think this one slitly different :) I'm writing a …

maven-2 groovy maven-plugin java-6 java-5
Spring @Cacheable not working - what's wrong with my config?

I've seen many incarnations of this same issue but I think I've tried all the fixes - my usage is …

spring caching java-5
How do I get the hosts mac address using Java 5?

I know you can do this with Java 6 using>getHardwareAddress(). But the environment I am deploying …

java java-5