How to download servlet 3 dependency that works with tomcat 7

Mahmoud Saleh picture Mahmoud Saleh · Oct 17, 2011 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

i was using servlet 2.5 as follows:


and i want to use servlet 3 since i am migrating to tomcat 7 so i can use EL 2.2, when i added the following dependency, it couldn't be found:



I am using Spring 3, JSF 2, Tomcat 7

so what do you guys suggest ?


Alexander Pogrebnyak picture Alexander Pogrebnyak · Oct 17, 2011

Looks like artifact ID has been renamed to javax.servlet-api


Here is the search URL on maven central:|gav|1|g%3A%22javax.servlet%22

To preempt your question about JSP and EL, here are the dependencies for jsp-api and el-api:

