I have been unable to overcome this error in Application Loader. I've quit, restarted, tried different computers - it's like the server is hung up on an op that I never initiated and it won't time out. Has anyone seen it before and beaten it?
Basically, you need to clear out the transport tokens. This can happen if you were to close out of Xcode while in the middle of submitting an app to iTunes Connect.
The token files now appear in the
subfolder of the given user's home directory. Which, honestly, is a better place for them anyway.
Delete any .token
files in this directory.
-- If you are unable to find the .token files, this is because they are hidden in Finder. To hide/show hidden files in Finder, use the following Terminal command (TRUE = UNHIDE, FALSE = HIDE):
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder