Top "Itext" questions

Library to create and manipulate PDF documents in Java and C#. Use this tag for code using iText versions up to 5.5.x. For iText versions from 7.0.0 onwards a separate tag "itext7" is available.

place text next to image html to pdf using itextsharp

I am converting html to pdf using itextsharp. I have to place text next to the image not below the …

html image itext xmlworker
Create a PDF according to a given format using the iText library

I'm working on small project in java, there I want to fetch the contents from a database and write them …

java pdf itext file-management
Is it possible to merger several pdfs using iText7

I have several datasheets for products. Each is a separate file. What I want to do is to use iText …

itext itext7
Convert PDF to PDF/A3 or PDF/A-1 to PDF/A-3

I'm testing iTextSharp to generate ZUGFeRD-Files. My first step was to generate a ZUGFeRD conform file from an existing PDF/…

c# pdf itext pdfa zugferd
How to know if a document claims to be in PDF/A using itext

I would check at least if a document claims that it's conformant to PDF/A. How can I do that …

java itext pdfa
itext java pdf to text creation

I use a itext for converting pdf to text file, it works good actually but for some words it do …

java itext pdftotext
table row is getting started from the new page in itext pdf

I am using PdfPTable to create a table in pdf.I have a single row in the table.In my …

pdf itext pdfptable
Attach PDF to e-mail

What I want to do is attach one or several PDFs to an e-mail. I am currently using MimeMessage to …

java pdf attachment itext mime-message
iText 7 - HTML to PDF write to MemoryStream instead of file

I'm using iText 7, specifically the HtmlConverter.ConvertToDocument method, to convert HTML to PDF. The problem is, I would really rather …

c# itext itext7
Convert from Itext PDF byte array to multipage TIFF file

I have a pdf file (obtained from a byte[] generated by iText) I need to send to a signature hardware. …

java pdf itext jai ghost4j