Top "Istanbul" questions

A JavaScript code coverage tool written in JavaScript.

Exclude function (not an entire file) from JavaScript code coverage

I'm creating some unit tests with Jasmine and the test runner I'm using is Karma. I'm also checking the code …

jasmine karma-runner istanbul
How do you use Istanbul Code Coverage with transpiled Typescript?

I've been reading articles on this all morning trying to get my environment setup correctly. But for some reason I'm …

javascript typescript gulp karma-runner istanbul
Excluding files from coverage when using Karma and Istanbul

I am using Karma to test my JavaScript and get coverage reports. I am using the Istanbul coverage report, which …

javascript node.js karma-runner istanbul minmatch
Full Gulp Istanbul Coverage Report

I am using gulp-istanbul to generate JavaScript unit test coverage reports through Gulp. Is there a way to configure Istanbul …

javascript unit-testing mocha.js gulp istanbul
Istanbul nyc to exclude test files

I'm currently getting my test files in the final coverage. That's probably because they sit alongside my components instead of …

unit-testing mocha.js istanbul
No coverage nyc mocha

I am just unable to figure out why test coverage is 0 even though test case is passing. I have a …

node.js mocha.js istanbul
How to ignore branch coverage for missing 'else'

Is it possible to ignore the marker E in istanbul branch coverage? I am using Jasmine+karma+Istanbul. Is there …

unit-testing istanbul
How to get karma-coverage (istanbul) to check coverage of ALL source files?

The code structure I have an app directory structure like scripts/sequoia/ ├── GraphToolbar.js ├── nodes │   ├── activityNode.js │   └── annotationNode.js ├── OverviewCanvasControl.…

karma-runner istanbul
Blanket.js vs Istanbul-js vs JSCover

I am trying to decide on a JS test code coverage tool but cannot see clearly the differences between them. …

javascript testing istanbul blanket.js
SonarQube and Lcov report Could not resolve file paths

We are trying to make a SonarQube code coverage report for our angular application. We have used Karma to generate …

javascript sonarqube istanbul karma-coverage sonarjs