Top "Iso8601" questions

ISO 8601 is the International Standards Organization's standard for representing time as a string.

Generate RFC 3339 timestamp in Python

I'm trying to generate an RFC 3339 UTC timestamp in Python. So far I've been able to do the following: >&…

python datetime iso8601 rfc3339
ISO 8601 String to Date/Time object in Android

I have a string in standard ISO 8601 format that contains the date/time returned from a web service like so: …

java android parsing iso8601
Converting timezone-aware datetime to local time in Python

How do you convert a timezone-aware datetime object to the equivalent non-timezone-aware datetime for the local timezone? My particular application …

python django datetime iso8601
How to format an UTC date to use the Z (Zulu) zone designator in php?

I need to display and handle UTC dates in the following format: 2013-06-28T22:15:00Z As this format is …

php datetime iso8601
How to output date in javascript in ISO 8601 without milliseconds and with Z

Here is a standard way to serialise date as ISO 8601 string in JavaScript: var now = new Date(); console.log( now.…

javascript date iso8601
c# convert datetime object to iso 8601 string

I'm trying to convert a DateTime object to a ISO8601 string but keep getting wrong results. I've looked around on …

c# datetime iso8601
Java SimpleDateFormat pattern for W3C XML dates with timezone

I am trying to parse a W3C XML Schema date like the following "2012-05-15T07:08:09+03:00" which complies with …

java date simpledateformat iso8601
What's the difference between datetime in ISO 8601 and UTC formats in javascript?

I pick some date and time in javascript and then want to store it on server (.NET). Dates are supposed …

javascript date utc iso8601
How can I store the current timestamp in SQLite as ticks?

I have a SQLite database where I store the dates as ticks. I am not using the default ISO8601 format. …

sqlite datetime iso8601
Parse and create ISO 8601 Date and time intervals, like PT15M in PHP

A library and webservice I am using communicates time-intervals in ISO 8601 format: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. I want to convert such formats to …

php date intervals iso8601