Top "Ipv6" questions

The Internet Protocol is one of the fundamental protocols used for the Internet.

Getting `Can't assign requested address` using Ehcache multicast

Getting when trying to start a multicast provider: 2013-09-11 11:45:44,204 [main] ERROR net.sf.ehcache.distribution.MulticastRMICacheManagerPeerProvider: …

java ehcache ipv6 multicast multicastsocket
required iPv6 compatibility - iOS app rejected by apple

after June 1, I submit my ionic app to itunes connect and I got the message from apple. Apps are reviewed …

ios app-store-connect ipv6
Why IPv6 allows a single interface with multiple addresses?

"A single interface may also have multiple IPv6 addresses of any type(unicast, anycast, and multicast) or scope" ----quoted form …

linux ipv6
Validate IPv4, IPv6 and hostname

I'm working on a project in .net , that can connect to different machines by an IP address that the user …

javascript regex validation ipv6 ipv4
IPv6: Is `::' equivalent to `' when listening for connections?

When I examine the output of IPGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners(), I see listeners on as well as ::. I believe that listening on …

sockets ipv6
How to support both IPv4 & IPv6 on Java

One of our Java program when started, it only listen on IPv6 (8080) e.g. # netstat -ntpl Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local …

java linux networking network-programming ipv6
getaddrinfo and IPv6

I'm trying to understand what the getaddrinfo function returns : #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #…

c network-programming ipv6 ipv4 getaddrinfo
How do I check whether a value in a string is an IP address

when I do this ip = request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"] I get the client's IP address it it. But what if …

ruby-on-rails ruby string ip ipv6
Conversion IPv6 to long and long to IPv6

How should I perform conversion from IPv6 to long and vice versa? So far I have: public static long IPToLong(…

java ip type-conversion ipv6 long-integer
Geolocation with IPv6?

I'm working on an IP geolocation library that uses the first three octets of an IPv4 address to determine a …

geolocation ipv6 ipv4