The System.
I try to implement ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization on top of our existing database. We have a website calling …
serialization iprincipal iidentity access-deniedI need to access the currently logged in user in my action filter. The identity is set by a DelegatingHandler …
authentication actionfilterattribute iprincipalMy unit tests for an ApiController uses some helpers methods to instantiate the controller: public static ResourcesController SetupResourcesController(HttpRequestMessage request, …
c# iprincipalI would like to extend IPrincipal in to allow me to get the usertype that I will define. …
c# inheritance interface iprincipalI'm working on an application using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and I'm trying to inject a custom IPrincipal object in to … iprincipalI'm stuck with the implementation of a custom iprincpal and iidentity object. I spend a day now for searching how …
c# model-view-controller iprincipal iidentityThis should be simple, but I simply cannot figure it out after all my googling. Here's what I want. I …
c# authorization iprincipal