Validate and submit ipa to AppStore without source

Enzo Tran picture Enzo Tran · Feb 24, 2012 · Viewed 13k times · Source

I need to send an ipa to the client to submit it to the App Store (he has given me his .p12 key and certificate, together with the provisioning profile).

When it was XCode 3.x (submission = upload through webbrowser), it is an easy process. But with XCode 4, how can I do this?

  • I cannot validate and submit the app myself because I don't have my client's username and password for itunesconnect.
  • He doesn't have the project, but just the ipa that I built, so he cannot archive/validate/submit it neither.

Is there any way he can import the ipa into the XCode organizer to validate and submit it?


AmineG picture AmineG · Feb 24, 2012

You must build for device using the appropriate certificate/provisionning, Then go to products, you find the .app file, choose "show in finder" Zip the .app file and send it to your client.

Once you've done this, your client must use "Application loader" to submit/updload the binary/application.

"Application Loader" is an utility installed with Xcode.
In general you find it in the path "xcode/Applications/Utilities"