Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)

Naveen picture Naveen · Dec 2, 2011 · Viewed 16.8k times · Source

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as

Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)

enter image description here

I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.


Jessedc picture Jessedc · Aug 31, 2012

This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.

If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.

While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)