I am developing an iOS app wherein I should be able to record a sound, save it to the filesystem and then play it back from the disk. When I try to play the file off the disk, I could barely hear anything. The volume is too low. But I'm pretty sure I'd set the device volume to max. I am using AVAudioRecorder
and AVAudioPlayer` for recording and playing.
Could someone please point out what the issue could be?
For most the solution here will probably be to use the .defaultToSpeaker option with the AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, with: [.defaultToSpeaker])
But for me the issue turned out to be that a different component in my app was setting the AVAudioSessionModeMeasurement
mode on the audio session, which for whatever reason reduces the output volume.