I have the following CALayer:
CAGradientLayer *gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];
gradient.frame = CGRectMake(8, 57, 296, 30);
gradient.cornerRadius = 3.0f;
gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[RGB(130, 0, 140) CGColor], (id)[RGB(108, 0, 120) CGColor], nil];
[self.layer insertSublayer:gradient atIndex:0];
I'd like to add an inner shadow effect to it, but I am not quite sure how to do this. I suppose I would be required to draw in drawRect, however this would add the layer on top of other UIView objects, since it's supposed to be a bar behind some buttons, so I am at a loss as to what to do?
I could add another layer, but again, not sure how to achieve the inner shadow effect (like this:
Help appreciated...
For anyone else wondering how to draw an inner shadow using Core Graphics as per Costique suggestion, then this is how: (on iOS adjust as needed)
In your drawRect: method...
CGRect bounds = [self bounds];
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGFloat radius = 0.5f * CGRectGetHeight(bounds);
// Create the "visible" path, which will be the shape that gets the inner shadow
// In this case it's just a rounded rect, but could be as complex as your want
CGMutablePathRef visiblePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGRect innerRect = CGRectInset(bounds, radius, radius);
CGPathMoveToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, innerRect.origin.x, bounds.origin.y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, innerRect.origin.x + innerRect.size.width, bounds.origin.y);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, innerRect.origin.y, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, innerRect.origin.y + innerRect.size.height);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height, innerRect.origin.x + innerRect.size.width, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, innerRect.origin.x, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height, bounds.origin.x, innerRect.origin.y + innerRect.size.height, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x, innerRect.origin.y);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(visiblePath, NULL, bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, innerRect.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, radius);
// Fill this path
UIColor *aColor = [UIColor redColor];
[aColor setFill];
CGContextAddPath(context, visiblePath);
// Now create a larger rectangle, which we're going to subtract the visible path from
// and apply a shadow
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
//(when drawing the shadow for a path whichs bounding box is not known pass "CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(visiblePath)" instead of "bounds" in the following line:)
//-42 cuould just be any offset > 0
CGPathAddRect(path, NULL, CGRectInset(bounds, -42, -42));
// Add the visible path (so that it gets subtracted for the shadow)
CGPathAddPath(path, NULL, visiblePath);
// Add the visible paths as the clipping path to the context
CGContextAddPath(context, visiblePath);
// Now setup the shadow properties on the context
aColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0f green:0.0f blue:0.0f alpha:0.5f];
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeMake(0.0f, 1.0f), 3.0f, [aColor CGColor]);
// Now fill the rectangle, so the shadow gets drawn
[aColor setFill];
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
// Release the paths
So, essentially there are the following steps: