iPhone [email protected] not showing in Retina display

Karl picture Karl · Oct 12, 2010 · Viewed 32.8k times · Source

For some reason, the iPhone 4 refuses to display my high resolution icon file.

I've checked out these solutions, none of which have worked for me:

How to setup normal Icon for iPhone3 and Retina for iPhone 4



The icons are in my resources group, and are all named correctly:

I've also tried adding them to the Info.plist file, first as an array, then as a dictionary, then simply deleting all icon references from the plist file, but no matter what I do, it still displays the 57x57 icon scaled up.

Can someone who has a working icon setup please post the actual XML incantation required to make this work?


Newbyman picture Newbyman · Oct 22, 2010

My Solution was simple, but only caught it be painstakingly comparing line-by-line in Apple Docs.

The non-obvious solution that seamed contradictory was "Deleting the Icon file key value". In the previous answer's image, you can see the Icon file still shows "icon.png" and the "Icon files" shows the two: icon.png & [email protected].

I got my app to work by deleting the "Icon file's" key value of "Icon.png" It was the only thing different, in the Apple Docs was the absence of a value for the "Icon file" key. View an image here: link removed...

Updated Link that Shows these Images: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1686/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40009882

In addition, I would make sure you are using Apples recommended notation when labeling the photos:

  • 512x512 iTunesArtwork iTunes Image
  • 57x57 Icon.png Home screen for < iPhone 4
  • 114x114 [email protected] Home screen for iPhone 4 High Resolution
  • 72x72 Icon-72.png Home screen for iPad compatibility
  • 29x29 Icon-Small.png Spotlight and Settings
  • 50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight for iPad compatibility
  • 58x58 [email protected] Spotlight and Settings for iPhone 4 High Resolution

Next Steps...

  1. Clean All targets
  2. Reset Simulator
  3. Relaunch Application
  4. Works fine for iPhone4, reveals large AppIcon = "[email protected]"

Final Steps...

  1. I put the "Icon.png" name back in for the (Icon file) key.
  2. I put this back in to Backwards support iOS 3.0+ so that it still has a value to use.
  3. Clean All Targets again,
  4. Build & Relauch!

This methods seams to clear out any legacy issues and assures that the simulator pulls in the correct files.

Hopes this helps!

P.S. If this helps you solve your problem, be sure to check my comment as the Solution.