So have a stack with three view controllers where A is root, B is first modal view controller and C is third modal vc. I would like to go from C to A at once. I have tried this solution to dismiss.It does work but not in a correct way. That is when the last view controller is dismissed it will breifly show the second view controller before the first is shown. What I'm looking for is a way to get from the third vc to the first in one nice animation without noticing the second view. Any help on this is greatly appriciated.
Be sure that you're only calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:
I have found that asking to dismiss each stacked modal view controller will cause both of them to animate.
You have: A =modal> B =modal> C
You should only call [myViewControllerA dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
If you use [myViewControllerB dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
, it will dismiss C, and not B. In normal (unstacked) use, it would dismiss B (due to the responder chain bubbling the message up to A). In the stacked scenario that you describe B is a parent view controller and this takes precedence over being a modal view controller.