iPhone SDK 4 "Half curl page transition"

indragie picture indragie · Jun 28, 2010 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

In Steve Jobs' keynote announcement of the iPhone SDK 4 earlier this year, one of the slides showed that a "Half curl page transition" was part of the new SDK.

I've looked through the iOS API docs and I can't seem to find this transition. Does anyone know where it is?


pgb picture pgb · Jun 28, 2010

It's not a transition, but a modalTransitionStyle. You can check the docs here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiviewcontroller/1621388-modaltransitionstyle

If you create a new UIViewController, set its modalTransitionStyle to UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl, and then presentModalViewController:animated: it, you'll get the desired "half curl page" effect.