Localization of the iPhone Settings.bundle

Axeva picture Axeva · Jun 24, 2010 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

For some reason I cannot get the Settings.bundle to recognize my additional languages. I must be missing something obvious, but I just cannot figure it out. Here's what I've got:

Project Structure in XCode:

XCode Screen Shot

Root.plist file:

Root.plist file http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/571/screenshot20100624at334.png

French Root.strings file

french Root.strings file http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/571/screenshot20100624at334.png

From everything I've read, I believe the project structure is right. The StringsTable in the Root.plist matches the name of the individual .strings files, and the Key for each item in the Root.plist has a match in the .strings files as well.

Why don't I see French text in my settings when I change the default iPhone language?

Thanks in advance!


Shane Rayner picture Shane Rayner · Aug 23, 2013

For me, the problem was leaving off a semi-colon!

In localizable.strings, you get a runtime error if you omit the ";", but in Root.strings, you don't get any warnings, you can run it fine, but it just won't work!

So double-check to make sure you punctuate each key:value pair with a semi-colon!