Can i pop to Specific ViewController?

Ankit Vyas picture Ankit Vyas · Jun 12, 2010 · Viewed 49.3k times · Source

I am using navigation based application. I push First ViewController to Second ViewController and from Second ViewController to Third ViewController. Now I want to pop from Third ViewController to First ViewController.I am performing this task using the below code but my application crashed.

Please any body give me some proper guidelines. I can't use pop to rootViewController because it's different viewController. Thanks in advance...

In Third ViewControler i have written this:

FirstViewCtr *x=[[FirstViewCtr alloc] initWithNibName:@"FirstViewCtr" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController popToViewController:x animated:NO];


Ankit Vyas picture Ankit Vyas · Jun 12, 2010

By Writing the First Line you get the Indexes of all View Controllers and from second Line You will reach up to your Destination.

NSArray *array = [self.navigationController viewControllers];

[self.navigationController popToViewController:[array objectAtIndex:2] animated:YES];