Use desktop webinspector to clear cache in mobile safari?

Himmators picture Himmators · Oct 8, 2013 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

Is it possible to clear mobile safari cache using the desktop web inspector in Safari?

I know I can go to the settings in the iphone, but it's a bit of a hazzle and since the phone already is teathered to the computer while debugging, it would be really nice if I could clear it thourgh the webinspector in safari.


Eddie Fletcher picture Eddie Fletcher · Aug 13, 2014

You can use Cmd + Option + R while in the developer tools web inspector to force mobile safari to reload its cache.

I had another problem which was that Fiddler also has a cache. I also had to clear that as I was running the iPad through the fiddler proxy.

Once I cleared the fiddler cache, and then used Cmd + Option + R, I could see the iPad requesting and receiving the new files.