How to set many url schemes in Info.plist

minji_LT picture minji_LT · Sep 9, 2013 · Viewed 19k times · Source

I want to set more than one url schemes in Info.pist. But I don't Know how to set many url schemes in Info.plsit. Who can help me, I'm a fish


Eugene Pinchuk picture Eugene Pinchuk · Sep 9, 2013

Project Navigator->YourInfo.plist click on it; than click "+" under selected line in picture sample, and you'll get new item for other url scheme.

new url scheme

here we have two schemes:



EDIT1: as text :


CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleTypeRole CFBundleURLSchemes third CFBundleTypeRole Editor CFBundleURLSchemes one two

EDIT2:just as text with third option as different:
