get values of particular key in nsdictionary

Minkle Garg picture Minkle Garg · Apr 26, 2013 · Viewed 64.4k times · Source

I saved the json parsing result in a dictionary which look like:






The data for key @"data" can be saved into an array by using

NSMutableArray *getdata=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
getcat=[results objectForKey:@"data"];

Now what should I do for the values(category, title, id) inside the first index i.e. "abcd".

If anyone has any knowledge please look upon that.

Thanks to all.


Anoop Vaidya picture Anoop Vaidya · Apr 26, 2013

Following will give you the desired object

NSDictionary *dict=[results valueForKeyPath:@"data.abcd"][0];

For individual:

NSString *categoryString=[[results valueForKeyPath:@"data.abcd"][0] objectForKey:@"Category"];
NSString *idString=[[results valueForKeyPath:@"data.abcd"][0] objectForKey:@"id"];
NSString *titleString=[[results valueForKeyPath:@"data.abcd"][0] objectForKey:@"title"];


NSString *categoryString=dict[@"Category"];
NSString *idString=dict[@"id"];
NSString *titleString=dict[@"title"];