How do I use Apple Keychain?

Jason picture Jason · Oct 12, 2009 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

I am using trying to use scifihifi-iphone (from Github) to store and retrieve usernames and passwords. However, when I add the class SFHFKeychainUtils I get the following errors:

  "_kSecAttrAccount", referenced from:
      _kSecAttrAccount$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_SecItemDelete", referenced from:
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils deleteItemForUsername:andServiceName:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecReturnAttributes", referenced from:
      _kSecReturnAttributes$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecClass", referenced from:
      _kSecClass$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecClassGenericPassword", referenced from:
      _kSecClassGenericPassword$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_SecItemAdd", referenced from:
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecAttrLabel", referenced from:
      _kSecAttrLabel$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_SecItemUpdate", referenced from:
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecAttrService", referenced from:
      _kSecAttrService$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecReturnData", referenced from:
      _kSecReturnData$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_SecItemCopyMatching", referenced from:
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:andServiceName:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
      +[SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:andServiceName:error:] in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
  "_kSecValueData", referenced from:
      _kSecValueData$non_lazy_ptr in SFHFKeychainUtils.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

What am I leaving out? When I click the errors, it doesn't take me to any place in the code.


nall picture nall · Oct 12, 2009

Add Security.framework, then rebuild. Sometimes I find I have to build clean and then rebuild.

To add this, right click on your target in Xcode, then Add->Existing Frameworks and choose (or navigate) to Security.framework.