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How to delete a row in a sqlite database table?
I am using fmdb for managing my database. I could not find any example for deleting a row from a table in fmdb. I tried
NSString *sqlStat=@"DELETE from tableName WHERE id=3";
FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:sqlStat];
but its not …
FMDB SQLite question: row count of a query?
does anyone know how to return the count of a query when using FMDB? If I executeQuery @"select count(*) from sometable were..." I get an empty FMResultSet back. How can I get the row count of the query? Do I …
Core Data VS Sqlite or FMDB....?
Now this might look like a duplicate thread, but my question is that I have read a lot of questions like.. Core Data vs SQLite 3 and others but these are 2-3 years old. I have also read that FMDB was …