In iOS6 in the methods viewControllerAfterViewController and viewControllerBeforeViewController if I return nil (for block the page navigation when I am in the first or last page) the app crash with this exception:
'The number of view controllers provided (0) doesn't match the number required (1) for the requested transition'
In iOS5 all works good.
I had the same issue. I found that the cause was replacing the delegate on the UIPanGestureRecognizer of the UIPageViewController, a no-no really. The pan gesture recognizer was calling an undocumented method _gestureRecognizerShouldBegin: (note the leading underscore) that UIPageViewController implements and apparently relies upon to work properly (read: not-crash). I ended up implementing respondsToSelector: and forwardingTargetForSelector: in my class that uses the UIPageViewController to pass the undocumented delegate method on to the UIPageViewController without specifically naming it (and almost certainly earning me an app store review rejection).
-(BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
if ([super respondsToSelector:aSelector])
return YES;
else if ([self.pageViewController respondsToSelector:aSelector])
return YES;
return NO;
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
if ([super respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {
return nil;
} else if ([self.pageViewController respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {
return self.pageViewController;
return nil;
My longer term solution will be to rework the use of UIPageViewController such that I don't need to displace the gesture recognizer delegates.