I'm updating my PhoneGap iOS-app to make it compatible with the iPhone 5.
I'm manually hiding the splash screen after my app has initialized.
When simulating iPhone 5: When the app starts it displays the correct splash screen ([email protected]) (hereon "the 5") but quickly hides it and instead displays the iPhone 4 splash screen (hereon "the 4"). The 4 doesn't cover the whole app, thus showing top and bottom bars of the app initializing.
I'm not entirely sure how it works but I can think of two possible scenarios: 1) Both images are displayed simultaneously but for some reason the 5 auto hides while the 4 waits for the call from the app to hide. 2) At some point when disabling manually hiding the splash screen phonegap switches out the "true" splashscreen for a "fake" one that is displayed until the javascript call from the app and phonegap just might not display correct one after this switcheroo.
Has anyone else encountered and / or solved this?
UPDATE: Tried removing and adding all splash images again but to no avail. I tried removing the smaller images (the 4 and its non-retina version) but even without the smaller ones present anywhere in the project I get the same error!
UPDATE 2: Cordova 2.2.0 has now been released, thus fixing this issue according to: http://shazronatadobe.wordpress.com/2012/10/27/whats-new-in-cordova-ios-2-2-0/
So, the recommended solution would therefore be to update your app to use Cordova 2.2.0, if that is for some reason not possible, solutions are provided below.
I've received two answers elsewhere but haven't had time to test them out yet: From user T123 in the Phonegap Google Group: open CDVViewController.m -- find - (void) showSplashScreen
change about line: 690
From :
else // not iPad
orientedLaunchImageFile = launchImageFile;
else // not iPad
orientedLaunchImageFile = launchImageFile;
/* Edited for 4-inch IP5 */
if(screenBounds.size.height == 568)
orientedLaunchImageFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-568h", launchImageFile];
And from Brion who commented above, the following pull request, hoepfully to be incorporated into Cordova 2.2.0: https://github.com/apache/incubator-cordova-ios/pull/50
EDIT: Tried T123's solution and it's working for me! EDIT2: Brion's fix was incorporated in Cordova 2.2.0 which has now been released!
EDIT3: Just updating to highlight a comment for those who don't bother reading them:
For Phonegap version 1.4.1, I managed to get Hessius's fix to work like this: I copied the methods showSplashScreen, isIPad, resolveImageResource and the definition #define degreesToRadian(x) (M_PI * (x) / 180.0) from the file PGViewController.m to my MainViewController.m file. After that, XCode complained that I was assigning values to read-only attributes, so I edited the header file in PhoneGap.framework to make those two attributes readwrite. I also changed launchImageFilefrom Hessius's code to @"Default". This did the trick for me. – Joe Dyndale Oct 8 '12 at 15:23