I got a Samsung Smart TV UE40D8000 (Apparently from 2011 series ?) and an iOS device. I'd like to make them both exchange information (most likely small chunks of text), via a dedicated app on both sides;
Now, it turns out the best way would be to use the Convergence API : I've built a basic TV App that looks an awefull lot like the sample code they give, and an iOS App for UPnP discovery and sending POST requests onto the TV. UPnP discovery works great.
But on the actual device, I can't seem to be able to manage to connect : the requests to /ws/app/{appID}/connect
fail (with an actual appID of course) as if there would be no server.
This Convergence page sounds like existence of MultiScreenService UPnP service equals the capability of Convergence API calls. So if you say "UPnP discovery works great" (given that you do an ST-limited M-SEARCH per example, not an unrestricted UPnP discovery), it should mean that your particular TV supports Convergence. Have you tried querying the TV simply with telnet? Are you sure about the port number on which the TV listens? Here the doc claims that it should be 80 for the TV and 8008 for the simulator, but i for one am very interested in the UPnP description.xml
served by the TV for MultiScreenService. You could even discover some UPnP functions for diagnostic there...
Disclaimer: i have no experience in Convergence, only UPnP in general and unfortunately Samsung in general too. The fact that Samsung pushes such half-baked proprietary mockup reminds me of my short bloody disgusting career as Bada developer. Only Sony can sustain pushing proprietary mockups with dignity :)