I can add recursively a bunch of files within IPFS with $ ipfs add -r data/
How can I get a list back of all loaded file objects [in a specific directory]? Similar to aws s3 listObjects...
The ipfs file ls command does not seem to be recursive. I understand that I can call the API a thousand times but that does not seem to be very efficient.
I must be missing something here. Thanks, Pat.
IPFS is based on Merkle tree, so you can display all elements under your root resource. You can use:
ipfs ls <your_root_resource_hash>
ipfs refs -r <your_root_resource_hash>
Docs for ipfs files ls
edit : More important, your directory name is not persisted into IPFS. You can access your resource knowing its hash, the one you get when you add it with ipfs add -r <your_dir>