Top "Ip" questions

This tag is for questions related to the Internet Protocol.

IP-address ending with zero?

This might not be the right place or the right time, but I have a question. I'm a computer-engineer and …

networking ip
converting host to ip by sockaddr_in gethostname etc

i need help converting hostname to ip and inserting to sockaddr_in->sin_addr to be able assign to …

c ip host
How can I get the public IP using python2.7?

How can I get the public IP using python2.7? Not private IP.

python ip
Get local IP address in Qt

Is there a cross-platform way to get the local IP address (i.e. something that looks like of the computer …

c++ qt ip symbian
How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET?

I try to figure out which devices are online and which are offline in our LAN. I have seen many …

c# .net ip lan arp
How to access the subdomain of an IP address in the browser?

To get to the IP address of an example website, you just visit However, if I try …

firefox browser web ip ip-address
Calculating range of IPs from subnet mask

Say, I have a subnet of and I have a known IP within that subnet say Now the way I …

networking tcp ip subnet
Getting the IP Address Of A client For a webservice

I am using JAX-WS and I am having trouble retrieving the client information that is consuming a webservice. I've found …

java web-services jax-ws ip
Get local IP-Address without connecting to the internet

So, I'm trying to get the IP-Address of my machine in my local network (which should be My first intention …

java networking ip
Change IP address dynamically?

Consider the case, I want to crawl websites frequently, but my IP address got blocked after some day/limit. So, …

web-scraping ip web-crawler scrapy dynamic-ip