Top "Iostream" questions

The C++ iostream library is an object-oriented library that provides input and output functionality using streams.

Reading directly from an std::istream into an std::string

Is there anyway to read a known number of bytes, directly into an std::string, without creating a temporary buffer …

c++ stdstring iostream
Resetting the End of file state of a ifstream object in C++

I was wondering if there was a way to reset the eof state in C++?

c++ file iostream
When should I use string instead of stringstream?

When should I use stringstream instead of string::append()? Supposing I'm going to catenate just strings. stringstream ss; ss <&…

c++ string performance iostream stringstream
Reading a single character from an fstream?

I'm trying to move from stdio to iostream, which is proving very difficult. I've got the basics of loading a …

c++ file-io iostream fstream
In Java, how can I redirect System.out to null then back to stdout again?

I've tried to temporarily redirect System.out to /dev/null using the following code but it doesn't work. System.out.…

java stdout iostream
Can you explain the concept of streams?

I understand that a stream is a representation of a sequence of bytes. Each stream provides means for reading and …

java .net stream language-agnostic iostream
Difference between "endl" and "\n"

Possible Duplicate: C++: “std::endl” vs “\n” I'm wondering if there is any significant difference between these two ways to …

c++ newline iostream cout endl
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation?

Every time I mention slow performance of C++ standard library iostreams, I get met with a wave of disbelief. Yet …

c++ performance iostream
Is it possible to use cin with Qt?

Is it possible to use cin in Qt? I can use cout but cannot find examples of how to use …

c++ qt iostream cin
Why does std::getline() skip input after a formatted extraction?

I have the following piece of code that prompts the user for their name and state: #include <iostream> #…

c++ input iostream istream c++-faq