Top "Ios6" questions

iOS 6 was announced by Apple on June 11, 2012 and released on September 19th, 2012.

UICollectionView flowLayout not wrapping cells correctly

I have a UICollectionView with a FLowLayout. It will work as I expect most of the time, but every now …

ios ios6 uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
iOS 6 rotations: supportedInterfaceOrientations doesn´t work?

I´m having this issue with iOS 6 SDK: I´m having some views that should be allowed to rotate (e.…

ios rotation ios6 screen-rotation
iOS Autolayout with UIScrollview: Why does content view of scroll view not fill the scroll view?

The following code (called in viewDidLoad) results in a fully red screen. I would expect it to be a fully …

ios ios6 uiscrollview autolayout
Is there a way to get all values in NSUserDefaults?

I would like to print all values I saved via NSUserDefaults without supplying a specific Key. Something like printing all …

iphone ios objective-c ios6 nsuserdefaults
Converting NSObject to NSDictionary

Hello I a class of type NSObject: ProductDetails *details = [[ProductDetails alloc] init]; = @"Soap1"; details.color = @"Red"; details.quantity = 4; …

objective-c ios6 nsdictionary nsjsonserialization
iOS6 UDID - What advantages does identifierForVendor have over identifierForAdvertising?

Apple is changing their privacy settings for iOS6 and deprecating device UUIDs (UDIDs). According to a WWDC presentation and the …

ios privacy udid ios6
UIActivityViewController - Email and Twitter sharing

I recently started working with UIActivity to share my app to the world, but I have few problems. First, I …

ios email nsmutablearray ios6 uiactivity
iOS 6 debug console gone?

I used to use the "Debug Console" for mobile Safari to print out console.log messages when I'm troubleshooting. With …

iphone ios ios6
NSParagraphStyle line spacing ignored

A simple test that is failed: Make a new project with just one subview (UITextView) and put the following in: …

objective-c uitextview ios6 nsattributedstring
Best Way to check for iOS 7 or earlier?

I need to reconfigure some UI based on the iOS version I am running against, so I need a good …

ios ios6 ios7