Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class and not showing any class named "ViewController"
Solutions I have done : - Restarted XCode - Restarted System - Deleted the Deriveddata contents from /Library/developer/xcode
But nothing worked for me
Here is the screenshot for the error
I got the same problem as you today... I think this is a bug of Xcode, below is the way to fix the issue:
- Close the project you are working on with.
- Delete your project's【DerivedData】folder. (This folder may inside your project's folder, or inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/(your project)/ ) or somewhere else that was setup by you.
- restart your project.
After these steps, the problem should be solved. And from my experience, these steps can solve many Xcode problems, so if you got some problem with Xcode again, try these steps first.