Energy Usage Instruments - iOS

airin picture airin · Jan 5, 2012 · Viewed 16.7k times · Source

I'm trying to measure the energy usage level from my ipod when I run my application. I import the data from my device to Instruments app and the Energy usage level displays a bar graph. However, in the detail pane of Instruments the energy usage level don't show any number that indicate the level of energy used by the app in my device. Do you know how to get this energy usage level? I'm followed the steps stated in the Instruments Documentation to get the Energy Usage report from the iOS device; My iOS device is an ipod touch 3G and I'm using Xcode 3.0. Thanks!


north212 picture north212 · Aug 23, 2013

You have to disconnect your device first, test your app, and reconnect. In instrument, select ->File ->Import Energy diagnostic From Device

It's not accurate anyway, I wonder how to translate from energy level (0-20) to real unit.