What fonts come bundled with iOS that have a unique set of Traditional Chinese characters?
It seems the a list of fonts included in iOS 5 resides at iosfonts.com; however, it seems that most fonts (ex: "GillSans-Bold") will use a common typeface (though I'm not sure which it is) to render Chinese characters.
So far, through trial and error, it seems the following have unique Chinese character sets:
There's HiraMinProN-W6
and W3 as well, the HiraKakuProN has a W3 version
and there are light versions of the STHeiti* fonts
. I think that's all.
You can enumerate them with some of the Core Text functions and find them that way. Worth noting that the STHeiti* fonts
have 51-52,000 glyphs, the Hira* ones have about 20,000