I am trying to distribute an iphone app ad hoc internally for a beta test to 3 users, myself (iphone 4) and two others (iPad 2, iphone 3G). My device served as the development device as well. I followed all of the Apple documentation, archived the app and prepared it for enterprise deployment. I put it on my web server with the .plist manifest file. To test it out, I installed it on my own device (which again, is the development device), and it worked swell. So then I sent the link to my other 2 users, who then reported that they received a message that said they are "unable to download." So first I thought that it might be a problem with the UDID, which it is not. I had my user's download a UDID sender-app, and they matched up perfectly. That was after I asked this question: What is the MIME type for .mobileprovision in which I wanted to know the MIME type for a .mobileprovision file. I took this info, and then also sent out a link to the provisioning profile. Both of my test users could download and install the .mobileprovision file fine; the problem was when they again, tried to install the app. One user got a message that said "cannot connect to server www.myserver.com" while the other one installed 80% of the app, before getting the "unable to download" message with 2 options: "retry" and "done."
I am at a loss. Does anybody have any ideas? I am desperate! Thanks in advance!
For the ones who don't use testflight, check the Deployment Target under the Summary page. Maybe you set it too high, which is not always necessary.
Once I created a new App which Xcode automatically set the latest target for me, which was 5.1.1, but the user was using 5.0.x. I changed it back to 4.0 with very small code change(weak->assign), and then it worked.