UITableView reloadData automatically calls resignFirstResponder

Morpheu5 picture Morpheu5 · Jun 20, 2011 · Viewed 30.5k times · Source

I have this UITableView with custom cells that can get only predefined values, therefore I use a UIPickerView as their inputView. All is jolly good until I edit a field and need to show its updated value.

In order to make things clearer and easier to maintain, I made delegates and data sources as separate classes, and use notifications to make them interact with the tableView. So, after a value has been chosen from the UIPickerView, the tableView's data source gets notified, and in turn notifies the main ViewController that holds a reference to the tableView. From there I call

[_tableView reloadData];

and everything seems to work, except that the UIPickerView disappears, I think because the cells are regenerated and somewhere some resignFirstResponder is called, or something like that. Is there any other way to make the tableView updating its values without having to implement a custom method somewhere that does it, which would be quite ugly?


Eiko picture Eiko · Jun 20, 2011

This reads like expected behavior - the picker belongs to a particular cell, that cell gets reloaded and is not the first responder any more. I guess one had to select a specific element anyway for the picker to appear, i.e. to make it first responder.

So you either need to make it become first responder again after reloading, or update the specific cell directly.