iOS 14 Google Cardboard view is broken

AerinC picture AerinC · Sep 24, 2020 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

On all apps that I can find that use Cardboard in iOS 14 (iPhone), the VR view is insanely bugged. The camera swings wildly all over the place.

Here is a video example:

The official Google Cardboard app-store application is broken as soon as you start it. It is also broken on the app I develop for which uses GVR and Unity.

Weirdly, it will temporarily function as expected if you restart your iPhone. The time it takes to break is seemingly random - sometimes it will be broken right away, and sometimes it will work for hours before breaking.

We have tested this on two iPhone 8+, and an iPhone 11.

Things I have tried:

  • Updating to beta iOS14.2 does not fix the issue.
  • Rebuilding in Xcode 12.2 Beta does not fix the issue
  • No errors or warning appear in my local build for our GVR project.


AerinC picture AerinC · Sep 24, 2020

Turns out GVR is now obsolete for IOS14 (unless someone makes a fix for it.. doubt it). Have to upgrade to Cardboard SDK.